How are newly synthesized membrane proteins targeted to the correct intracellular membrane? Once there, how are they inserted into the bilayer, and then folded, modified and assembled into functional entities? A major focus in the lab is the study of co- and post-translational targeting and insertion pathways. Our long-term goal is to decipher common structural and mechanistic themes in membrane protein biogenesis.
What happens to newly synthesized membrane proteins that insert into the wrong membrane, fail to fold, or are unable to assemble with binding partners? We also study how quality control pathways help maintain order in the cell by identifying, correcting or destroying mislocalized, misfolded and orphaned membrane proteins.
Membrane proteins are essential for the survival of all living organisms. Dysfunction is linked to numerous human pathologies, ranging from cancer and diabetes to cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. We use a combination of structural, biochemical and cell biology approaches to define the molecular mechanims underlying the cellular pathways that establish and maintain the membrane proteome.
Keenan Lab UChicago